• Full Time
  • San Francisco
  • This position has been filled

Website The San Francisco School



4th – 6th Grade Science, Technology, + Engineering Teacher

Starts August 7, 2023, or earlier (100% FTE position)

Salary Range $60,500 – $136,900 depending upon experience + education

We seek a team member who is a(n):

  • talented, student-centered + inspiring educator who is current in pedagogical + curricular best practices
  • scientist or engineer who loves guiding students to explore the connections between the many subjects of STEAM
  • inquiry-based classroom teacher
  • innovator in a 1:1 iPad learning environment
  • culturally competent, engaged community member
  • excellent communicator + collaborator
  • team player who will partner with the Director of Design, Engineering, + Technology in designing project-based learning that fosters confidence + excitement for STEAM
  • compassionate guide for the middle school years
  • stand-up comedian…or at least has a good sense of humor
    We are committed to increasing staff diversity, both to reflect the high-value SFS places on multicultural understanding + for the direct benefit of each student.

The Work

  • Lead 4th-6th Grade integrated Science, Technology, + Engineering classes
  • Align with Next Generation Science, Common Core + ISTE standards + practices
  • Integrate Digital Citizenship best practices
  • Keep up with pedagogical + curricular best practices + explore emerging topics + practices
  • Differentiate student learning
  • Advise 10-12 6th Grade students
  • Lead STEAM-based electives + clubs
  • Participate in outdoor/travel overnight education trips + share in recess duties, activities, class meetings, etc.

Please send your application by January 23 to jobs@sfschool.org in a single document (PDF) including

  1. Letter of Interest
  2. Resume
  3. Educational Philosophy
  4. Three References

SFS is a preschool through 8th Grade independent school, with a commitment to a multicultural + inclusive community.

The School embraces San Francisco’s ethnic, cultural + economic diversity.

Our progressive approach to education encourages children to develop self-reliance, strong academic skills, creativity, + a sense of social justice.

They graduate academically prepared, inquisitive, courageous, + eager for the challenges ahead.

300 Gaven St.

San Francisco, CA 94134


Tagged as: K-6, Middle School