Keys School
The Theatre Arts and Dance Leave Replacement is a full-time position reporting to the Head of the Middle School. The Theatre Arts and Dance teacher offers instruction in acting principles and techniques, vocal and body expression and personality projection. Both sections of each grade level put on a play over the course of the year, and the position requires the teacher to organize all elements of the show from running auditions and rehearsals, to casting, direction, wardrobe, props, tech and more for students in grades 3-8. Additionally, movement, choreography and a range of dance techniques are taught to 7th and 8th grade classes. Responsibilities outside of classroom instruction include but are not limited to:
- Communicate regularly about student progress through reporting systems, and about classroom curriculum through our learning management system, KeysNet, and with emails sent home as needed
- Participate in the school’s outdoor education program, buddy program, and other duties as assigned
- Collaborate with Assistant Head of Middle School / Curriculum Coordinator to ensure development of and coordination of the Middle School Theatre Arts and Dance curriculum
See more information at: https://keysschool.org/employment/
To apply for this job email your details to KDLESK@KEYSSCHOOL.ORG