Website Prospect Sierra School Prospect Sierra School
Prospect Sierra School
Overview of School
Prospect Sierra is an independent, coed TK–8 school located on two campuses in El Cerrito, California, serving 470 students. Prospect Sierra gives students the tools to build a better world by integrating rigorous academics with a deep understanding of human emotions. Every day our exceptional teachers connect students’ academic experiences to ethics, empathy, and social and emotional intelligence. The result is deeper intellectual engagement, greater self-knowledge, and compassionate relationships. Prospect Sierra students develop courage to become more than great students, but great people. Please visit our website, www.prospectsierra.org, for more information.
Overview of Position
This position is for an Elementary Receptionist and Student Health Coordinator, beginning immediately. This staff will report to the Elementary Division Head and will work in close collaboration with the front office team. This is a full time position, and includes benefits. This employee works the school year calendar, with a few additional days before the school year begins and after the school year ends. Elementary Receptionist Responsibilities
Be a welcoming and warm presence in the office to all visitors: parents, students, faculty, and guests
Answer phones, record and distribute messages
Manage attendance, including online InResonance system
Prepare daily dismissal information and make student information updates daily
Prepare student transportation arrival/dismissal and update rider information
Manage all aspects of student transportation, including supervision of students into cars at dismissal
Coordinate all aspects of picture days at the elementary campus
Print and file student Progress Reports
Support staff and student birthday lists, cards, etc.
Sort and distribute mail daily
Prepare all needed materials, including clearance for drivers, for all Study Trips
Direct admissions traffic appropriately, greet student visitors, and get them situated until their visits begin
Monitor students who have disciplinary issues or need to “cool down” when division head is unavailable; communicate with division head when these situations occur
Support various office needs such as student rolodex cards, organizing maintenance on copiers/laminator, stationery order, organization of work room
Assist with carpool/yard duty as needed
Prepare Kitchen Duty assignments and notify the next team
Participation in all staff and division meetings
Support the Admissions and Development Teams as needed
Student Health Coordinator Responsibilities
Tend to minor wounds and illnesses, contact parents if needed
Tend to major injuries using up-to-date first aid protocols, contact parents
Record all major injuries in injury log and on injury report forms
Maintain up-to-date student emergency medical information for staff
Maintain red Emergency binders
Maintain emergency supplies for the Tapscott campus in collaboration with Facilities Director
Compile, distribute, and update emergency student information, emergency ID cards, and food allergy lists
Coordinate lice checks and manage communication to parents when needed
Manage sugar level checks and communicate with parents for diabetic students regarding needed insulin, complete insulin injections when necessary and in collaboration with parents
Manage administering medication & medication log for all students needing medications administered at school (inhalers, over the counter meds, and doctor prescribed medications)
Manage Covid-19 protocols, confidentiality, testing, contact tracing, masking, and communication to the Admin team
Required Qualifications
Appreciation for and desire to work with TK-4 aged students and families, including student health management, school logistics, attendance system, and transportation coordinator
Knowledge of the essential role social emotional literacy plays in the workplace and interest in application of SEL within the workplace
Ability to create an inclusive office environment that allows for a multitude of perspectives to be heard and respected
Ability to take initiative, work passionately, and collaborate effectively with diverse constituencies
Willingness to be a team player and take on leadership roles as needed
A passionate commitment to creating an innovative and joyful environment
Nuanced understanding of DEI/social justice knowledge from a personal or programmatic perspective
Preferred Bachelor of Arts or Science degree and/or professional coursework or certification, indicating training applicable to the responsibilities of the position
In addition to required qualifications, desirable additional skills include:
Strong communication skills, both written and verbal
Professionalism in an environment with confidential information
Excellent interpersonal skills
Organizational skills and the ability to multitask
Knowledge of first aid, CPR, health protocols
The salary is competitive. Benefits included. This employee is a non-exempt employee, and is paid hourly.
How to Apply
Send a résumé (including contact information for three references) and one-page cover letter to:
Quise Rodriguez, Elementary School Head
Prospect Sierra School is an equal opportunity employer. Our community is diverse in many ways, inclusive of race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender spectrum, age, ability, and more. We welcome and value the same in our faculty and staff.
To apply for this job email your details to tapscottjobs@prospectsierra.org